Kamis, 11 Juli 2013

Sun Flower For Mody

Post Hardcore
Surabaya, Jatim

have a special concept of posthardcore's band
SunFlowerForMody (@SFFMofficial)

Vocal : @Resza_SFFM
Clean Vox/ Guitar : @Fiqihjazuli
Lead Guitas : @RizkyDwiMuhajir
Bass : @DedyWorsnop
Drum / Orchestra / Instrument : @iqbal_Jazuli

Rabu, 03 Juli 2013

Rising The Fall


Metal / Hardcore

Sebuah band yang terlahir dari semangat, dedikasi, dan rasa cinta terhadap musik keras..
Komitmen yang tinggi dan rasa cinta terhadap musik ini membuat kekakuan itu tidak berlangsung lama. Selera musik yang berbeda-beda dari kami tidak menghambat perjalanan bermusik kami,malah memperkaya nuansa musik yang kami ciptakan.
kami adalah pemusik-pemusik muda yang mempunyai keinginan-keinginan sederhana. Keinginan untuk terus bermusik sampai tua kelak..
Dengan musik ‘ berteriak ’ tentang keresahan dan pemberontakan..
Semua terkumpul menjadi satu membentuk sebuah mental bermusik yang kuat dan musik bernuansa "METAL HARD CORE" menjadikan Pilihan not yang kami mainkan..

Terbentuk pada bulan MEI 2008...yang pada awalnya beranggotakan Andhika Candra Putra , Yaday Heppy Rtf ,Tony Dimensi , Leo Martin Lee (Ex DEATH TWISTED)...dan akhirnya mengajak Causandy Benny Malada (Ex wet metries) untuk bergabung.....
kemudian posisi Leo Martin Lee di gantikan oleh Edo Moreno Rama dan posisi Causandy Benny Malada di gantikan oleh Nugraha Andiman ...
Terimakasih kepada Semua orang yang ikut terlibat dalam proses musik RISING THE FALL.
inilah kami dengan segala yang kami miliki...

Rising The Fall on facebook 


Rising The Fall on twitter



Alternative Rock

Born from late 2009, this not-to-be-stereotyped female-fronted band plunges into the depths of alternative/pop punk music,collaborating influences from bands like Tsunami Bomb, Story of the Year and Flyleaf to create a platform of catchy melodies and dense music arrangements smashed together to fit in between the poetic character of their lyrics.Fluctuating from soft to speedy songs without straying away from their own sound, this band is steadying itself through their own experiences despite coming from different musical backgrounds.

Various member changes happened around the late 2011 and early 2012 as primary commitments had to be prioritized by the past members .Sticking together as not only a band but a big family, Beatburns is paving their way with strong hope for a blast into the music scene to spread positive vibes around the world.

Beatburns on facebook 

Beatburns on twitter 


Metal Hardcore
Jakarta utara, Indonesia

DISTRUGGERE is metal-hardcore band from Jakarta, Indonesia since 2009

"PASSING UNBROKEN WALL" debut album (Launching at Bulungan open air 18 december 2011)
"THE FALLEN OF IMMORTAL KINGDOM" 2nd album will release on 2013



Pop Punk

Dichi Michi burst straight into the local scene 3 years ago and perform actively in numerous events, collaborating and working with independent artist from other country. Besides, Dichi Michi also has been regularly interviewed and featured in local newspaper(harian metro & news straight times), magazine (junk, pizza, rottw etc.) and tv shows (8tv quikie,tv3 MHI, cyberjaya tv, the wknds session, homegrown etc.) . They also attract many famous independent clothing labels and sponsors (That’s rite, Mejiku Indonesia, MACBETH footwear etc). With that accomplishment, Radio Televisyen Malaysia (RTM) has approached Dichi Michi and offered to shoot a video clip for their song “Lost in Final Year” and “Realiti dan Fantasi” for Astro Musik Aktif channel. RTM was interested to further promote them because of their credibility in performing.They’ve released their EP entitled “SOUNDS OF NEW HOPE” (released independently in 2009) that received positive responds from most of music lovers around the world. Their hot single "Fine Without You“ and "Realiti dan Fantasi" become people's favorite in Internet and ranking among the top five of Hit.fm Malaysian English Top Ten and Flyfm campur chart as well as being at the top of Suria.fm Suria Band Kita chart for 6 weeks becoming new teenage/local/independent music and fashion icon in Malaysia.

Selasa, 02 Juli 2013



Death Metal
Bogor , Indonesia
Di bentuk pada tanggal 08 Mei 2010, mengusung genre Death metal yang sedikit plur dengan sentuhan technical/progres metal.
personil sebelum nya kian silih berganti namun sekarang tetap beritikad semangat metal dengan personil yang ber anggotakan Teuku Marshal ex Vocal (Jenat), Rizky Pratama, Tian Agus ex Guitar (Jenat & Brocklin Under Attacak), dan Sin Nes ex Drum (Suicide For Revenge)
kami bersepakat untuk terus berkarya dan axis bersama ASTRAL.
itu semua tak lepas dari kawan kawan kami MAkhluk ASTRAL yang terus memberikan support sepenuhnya.

ASTRAL on facebook

ASTRAL on twitter

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